Sculpture by Jeff Powell
Original artwork in stone, metal, and who knows what else
Power Tool Recommendations for Stone Carving
In this page I present my personal recommendations for power tools
that can be used to carve stone. As with my page on
hand tools it is important to
point out a few things first:
- These are my opinions, not facts. What works well for me may
not work at all for you.
- I carve only soft and relatively soft stones -- alabaster and
marble, or things like them in hardness. Those of you wanting
to carve granite need to find other sources of information, as
that just isn't a place I know much about. If you find that
information somewhere on the net, send me a link so I can
point to it!
- Using any tool is dangerous, and power tools are only faster
ways of hurting yourself -- or others -- if used improperly.
Read and follow all the safety instructions that come
with any tools you use.
- I am not responsible for ANYTHING that results from
your reading this web page. Buy and use tools at your own risk,
and do any additional research needed to be sure you're getting
the right thing for you.
Note that nearly all power tools suffer from these common drawbacks:
- They are loud. There isn't a power carving tool out there
that is quiet. I wish it was the case, as it would make
life a lot easier. Using power tools for carving generally
means being outside or in a dedicated studio space. You'll
want ear protection, and you may want to move outside of town
if you do this a lot. Your neighbors might complain if
you're outside grinding away on a rock for hours a day.
- Most make a mess. They result in dust and/or chips being
thrown great distances. You'll need lung protection to keep
the dust out of your lungs. Trust me. This is important in
nearly all cases.
- They can be dangerous. Abrasive things spin or move. Chips fly.
Wear all the right safety gear -- particularly safety glasses or
goggles -- and be sure to keep all the safety equipment on your
tools in place. It may be annoying, but it's there for a reason.
You want all your fingers... trust me on that too.
- I was contacted by someone who had purchased an battery driven
angle grinder after reading this page, only to find in the
instructions that it was not suitable for grinding stone or masonry.
Those instructions were quite right, and it never occurred to
me that anyone would consider a battery operated tool as a
possiblity. So, let me state it here clearly: any power tool you
plan to use for stone carving needs to have a cord and plug into
the wall. You'll probably be using it for hours, so even if it
had enough power you'd be swapping batteries and recharging them
regularly. But the truth is that battery operated tools
do not have the power to do the job in most cases. Skip those
and go straight to corded tools for your stone carving work.
A separate page discusses air
compressors in depth. See that page for information on
how to buy, install, and use an air compressor. There are
more exotic tools around that you will not see mentioned here.
I will only discuss what I have used and know. Finally, a list
of some suppliers for each item mentioned here can be found
at the bottom of this document. It's easier to do that than
to include links in each section. I do not endorse any
particular supplier here. These are places or people I have
had good luck with. Your mileage may vary.
Enough disclaimer. On to the real stuff...
Power tools for carving can be broken down into two major classes:
air driven (pneumatic) and electric. Common pneumatic tools for stone
carving include:
- Air hammer and chisels
- Die grinders of various sorts
- Polishers of various sorts
Common electric tools for stone carving include:
- Angle grinders
- Drills
- Saws
- Flexible shaft (moto) tools (Dremel, Foredom, and others)
Air hammers and chisels
Once you've learned to use an air hammer, it's hard to know how you
ever got along without one. They are more gentle to the stone
than a hand held hammer and chisel for large scale material removal.
In addition, this is one case where they make the chips fly less
far than the corresponding hand tool. (They do fly though, so you still
have to wear something to protect your eyes!)
Air hammers don't actually look anything like a hammer. There are
two kinds that I know of -- big ones for demolition work and small
ones used for carving. The demolition hammers are generally shaped
like pistols and their chisels lock in place. Carving hammers
are shaped like a barrel -- the air hose connects at one end and a
chisel slips into the other end without locking. In both cases,
the incoming air causes a cylinder or piston to move back and forth
inside the tool, hitting the chisel and driving it into whatever
is being worked.
The piston moves many times a second, but it doesn't move far. My
hammer has a total movement of less than one inch. The effectiveness
of the air hammer doesn't come from the weight of the piston or
the force of each blow, but rather from the huge number of blows
given to the chisel in a short period of time. Soft stones crumble
before it, and they almost always break in a nice, simple, and
predictable manner.
Stone carving air hammers come in numerous sizes, from small -- nearly
pencil sized -- up to something larger than my hands will comfortably
hold, and I'm 5 feet 11 inches tall. The size of the hammer itself changes the size
and weight of the piston as well as the distance it moves, so larger
hammers hit the chisel harder. The chisels you use must fit the
hammer you have. Adapters will let you use smaller chisels in a larger
hammer, though I have not personally tried this.
Chisels for an air hammer are different from those used with hand
tools. First, they are round on the end that goes into the air
hammer. If you pick up a chisel that is hexagonal in the middle
and round on the end opposite the point, teeth, or flat, then you're
almost certainly holding a chisel for an air hammer. Secondly,
they are tempered differently. Chisels for air hammers have to
be hardened on both ends. The end that goes into the air hammer
must not "mushroom." That is, it may not bend out and deform in
response to the blows from the piston in the hammer. If it did, it
would scar up the tool, and possibly damage the piston and cylinder
walls when bits of metal break off the tool. Hand chisels aren't
tempered except at the business end. If you look at your old hand
chisels you'll see some mushrooming on them somewhere, I'm sure.
(Safety tip -- grind or file off that mushroomed metal on your
hand chisels. It gets sharp and can break off hitting someone
in the eye or lurking on the floor to be stepped on later.)
Given all that, when you buy an air hammer, you also need a new set
of chisels to use with it. Keep them separate from your hand chisels
so you don't use one with a hand hammer by accident. You'll need to
experiment with your air hammer chisels on the stones you carve
to figure out what you like and want to use. As with carving by
hand, the rule is to figure out what works for you, rather than
to follow the rules.
Personally I have a Cuturi "V" size air hammer, and I am very happy
with it. It takes chisels with a half inch shank -- a common size --
and provides 6500 blows per minute according to one catalog I have.
It needs about 5 CFM (cubic feet per minute) if air at 70 PSI.
(I had to do the math to translate those units out of Metric and
into English units. It uses 140 liters of air per minute at 5
atmospheres, I think. I don't read Italian all that well.)
They are imported from Italy and are quite nice. You can also buy an
American made air hammer from a company called Trow & Holden.
I've never tried the latter, but I know professional carvers who
love them, so I suspect they are excellent tools as well.
When using an air hammer, there is generally a maximum upper
pressure that the manufacturer specifies -- 70 PSI in the case
of my Cuturi hammer -- but lower pressure can sometimes be useful.
Turning down the pressure reduces the number of blows and the force
behind each blow. When you are trying to carve more gently and
don't have a smaller air hammer to change to, this can help. It
isn't the perfect answer, and I always switch to hand tools when
I get close to my final form, but it can help.
A final note about air hammers. It is possible to get certain kinds
of repetitive stress injuries while using them. They vibrate while
used and that can cause all kinds of problems. I strongly recommend
you wear a set of anti-vibration gloves while carving with power tools,
but particularly when using an air hammer. If you don't, you'll
probably feel a tingle in your hands for some time after you stop,
and that will turn into permanent damage over time. I like full
finger anti-vibration gloves, but fingerless versions are common and
many sculptors prefer them.
Pneumatic die grinders
Once you have an air compressor, a whole set of tools opens up to
you. Your cars tires will always be at the right pressure, you can
power wash your own deck, and a blow gun will clean the dust off
your garage floor faster than any broom. Die
grinders, though, are useful tools for actually carving stone.
Die grinders are simple tools that have a collet and nut at one
end that lets you insert and lock down any number of grinding
or cutting bits and burrs. Die grinders spin at high speeds --
often up to 25,000 RPM -- and can thus move a fair amount of
stone quickly if you have a good burr in them.
A simple die grinder is perhaps 5 inches long and 2 inches or so in diameter.
Air comes in at one end and the burr is secured in the opposite end.
A long switch along the side allows air into the grinder, spinning
the burr. Release the switch and the burr stops spinning. Most die
grinders sold in the US accept burrs with a 1/4 inch shank. I don't
know what happens in smarter places that have gone totally to the
metric system.
You can find several variations on die grinders. Some rotate the
collet and locking sleeve/nut 90 degrees. These are called angle
die grinders. They work exactly like a standard die grinder, but
may allow you to get the burr into some places more comfortably.
Other die grinders have long necks, moving the burr 5 inches or more
away from the part of the tool you hold in your hand. These allow
you to get the burr deeper into your sculpture.
Die grinders use differing amounts of air, and are made by a fair
number of manufacturers. I have two from Home Depot under the
Husky brand name. One is a standard die grinder, the other is
an angle die grinder. They're good, basic tools, work fine, and
didn't cost a fortune. I also have a Dotco die grinder with a long
nose. This is a very nice tool, but it uses a LOT of air and cost
a lot of money. Many die grinders will use 4-5 CFM at 90 PSI. My
Dotco grinder uses 13 CFM at 90 PSI. It isn't possible to drive
my Dotco grinder from most portable compressors as a result of the
amount of air it consumes.
You'll find grinding burrs in all kinds of places. Any hardware
store that carries air tools will probably have some grinding
burrs. I prefer structured carbide burrs to just about anything
else. Anything metal with actual teeth will work in very soft
stone but will go dull quickly thanks to the heat generated by
the grinding process. Structured carbide lasts longer and works
on harder stones.
In general, I suggest you buy a die grinder and some burrs only when
you find yourself working on a carving and thinking it would help. Buying
them in advance is fine, but you may discover that your pieces don't
require one right away. If you work very large they may not be
required at all, and if you work small you're probably better off
getting a flexible shaft tool rather than a die grinder.
Also note that there are electric die grinders available. I don't
recommend them much, though. They are heavy -- several pounds --
and much larger than the corresponding pneumatic tool. For some
reason they also seem extra susceptible to vibration damage to
the housing. (I've repaired one for a student of mine several
times. The problems have been cracked plastic bits in the housing,
pinched wires, damaged insulation, and a sticky switch.) I'm sure
that stone dust isn't good for the motor either, and these need
a lot of air to keep them cool. If you have a compressor, stick
with a pneumatic die grinder.
Pneumatic polishers
Only a brief note here, as I have never used one of these. However,
that may change. It is possible to find air driven polishing tools
that will not only spin a sanding disk, but also feed water into the
mix, which will keep down -- or eliminate -- dust from the sanding
process. These tools are expensive and use a lot of air, but if you
are working on a huge carving and are polishing in a place where you
can make an awful mess, I would give this serious consideration.
Angle grinders
A good angle grinder is at least as useful as your air hammer,
though the specifics of what and how you carve may cause you to
lean towards one or the other.
A first note: you almost certainly want an electric angle grinder.
I have seen -- and even own -- a pneumatic angle grinder, but they
just aren't as versatile as the electric ones. Many companies make
electric angle grinders, including all the big tool manufacturers,
so you have lot of choices if you go looking around.
What is an angle grinder? Well, simply, it is an electric motor
that spins a disk. You hold it in such a way that you can lay the
side of the disk down on the stone you are carving, or you can
push the edge of the disk into the stone. There are many kinds of
grinding and cutting wheels that can be used. I'll try to describe
some of them below. It is also important to note that angle grinders
come in a variety of sizes, based on the size of the disk they
spin. You'll find at least 4, 4.5, 5, 7, and 9 inch versions. The
larger tools are heavier, and probably more useful for large works. I
recommend a 4.5 or 5 inch model for most work.
What can you do with an angle grinder? Well, with a good
abrasive disk installed you can quickly and easily shape stone
as you would with a file or rasp. However, it moves stone much
more quickly, and can let you get to a finished shape amazingly fast.
Also, with the installation of a diamond blade, you can cut slots
into the stone. If you cut several parallel slots half an inch apart
or so, you can come back with a hammer and chisel and knock out the
material between the slots quickly and easily. Obviously if just
cutting the stone to the depth that your blade and grinder allow is
useful, you can do that too.
It is important to note that an angle grinder minimizes the stress
applied to the stone. If you're carving a piece of alabaster full
of fissures and are afraid it will fall apart under a hammer blow,
an angle grinder won't stress it much at all. It is possible to
get some amazing carving done in very short order with an angle grinder.
Whose angle grinder should you buy? Every major manufacturer makes
an entire angle grinder line, and you can spend as little or as much
as you want. There are at least two schools of thought on that, and they
both have some merit:
- Good tools are worth what you pay for them. I own a
Metabo 5", variable speed, angle grinder and I love it. It cost
a bit of money, but it has survived everything I've thrown at
it so far, and it just keeps working. (I killed a less
expensive DeWalt angle grinder in 4 hours once. The place I
bought it said that should not have happened and took it back.
A DeWalt representative I talked to at a tool show also agreed
that it shouldn't have died and thought it might have been a
manufacturing defect. Regardless, the next electric angle grinder
I bought was a Metabo, cost a lot more, and has been a wonderful tool.)
If you believe in spending good money on your tools, then I'd go
for a good name brand that feels right in your hands.
- Cheap tools are fine. I can buy 5 cheap ones for the price of
one good one. There is truth to this point too. Harbor Freight
sells a single speed 4.5" angle grinder for $19.99. More expensive
but still cheap versions are available from them, and angle grinders can be
bought starting at $40-$50 in most hardware stores.
Regardless of which point of view you take, there are a few things
to remember:
- You're going to hold your angle grinder for long periods, so
the shape needs to be comfortable in your hands. If
possible go someplace where you can hold one to see
how it feels for weight, balance and shape. You need to be
able to grip it comfortably, so take your time and choose
- Variable speed is useful feature. Sometimes you want slower
speeds to reduce how far the dust is thrown. Cutting with a diamond
blade happens at a different speed from using an abrasive disk,
which is different from using a sanding disk. (Please don't ask me
what speed to do each of those things at... I have to fiddle
with it to figure it out based on the stone and what I am
trying to do. Sorry! If I get some guidelines together, I'll
add them here later. If you have any guidelines for me, send
them my way!)
- Avoid getting dust into the motor if possible. Dust is an
electric motor's second worst enemy. (The worst enemy is
water, which you should avoid at all costs, as it is dangerous
to you too.) Clean the grinder with compressed air if you can.
I occasionally use a blow gun to shoot air into and through my angle
grinder while it is running to clean out the dust that
accumulates inside it. I think this helps keep it cooler
and extends the motor's life, but it could also spray some water into
there if your compressor setup isn't right.
- Speaking of dust, some angle grinders draw air straight over the motor
to cool it, while others use a sealed motor or other technique to
keep dust off the motor. I'm told Metabo pioneered this design
concept, and the life of my grinder seems to support that theory.
I am also told, however, that lots of other grinder companies now make
grinders with similarly protected motors. Ideally you can power up
a grinder and look into the vents. If you see sparks inside it, that's
the motor, and it will get full of dust. Sadly, I know most stores don't
let you do this, so it's something of a guessing game. Research your
purchase first online.
OK... now you have this angle grinder. But what do you put
into it?
- There are various kinds of masonry grinding wheels. These
look like relatively smooth disks made from some kind of
compressed abrasive with a nylon mesh reinforcement. They
are cheap and available from hardware stores and mail order
places. These will work reasonably well for shaping stone,
but aren't as aggressive as I like.
- Zec wheels -- a particular brand name -- are wonderful.
These are silicon carbide abrasive disks for use in grinding
things like stone. Older versions needed a backing pad to
support the disk and a nut to hold it down. Newer versions do't
require the backing pad. These disks come in various grits from
16 to 120 or so. They are much more abrasive than the above mentioned
masonry grinding wheels. What grit works best depends on your
stone and how much material you are trying to remove.
Once you use these, you'll realize the full potential
of your angle grinder. Great stuff! The significant drawback
is the amount of dust these throw. They can send clouds of
dust into the air in all directions, so wear some kind of good
mask to keep the dust out of your lungs.
- Diamond cutting blades. These can be used as described above
to cut slots into stone. They come in lots of sizes and various
qualities. They used to be very expensive, but since I created
this page prices have dropped and they are readily available at
many hardware stores. Manufacturers claim they are better or worse
for different kinds of work, so check them out and see what
works for you.
- Sanding pads. You can get sanding disks that attach to your
angle grinder in various ways. These can provide sanding
beyond the 120 grit you get from abrasive disks and get you
on your way to your finish sanding and polishing. Note that on
softer stones you can get a faceted appearance when sanding (or
grinding) so you will probably only be able to get so close to your
final form. Hand sanding (or filing) the rest of the way will
be required to give you nice, organic curves.
Trust me on this... once you have an angle grinder in your
hands and a good abrasive -- Zec style -- disk on it, you'll wonder
how you ever carved stone before.
What can one say about an electric drill? Actually, a fair
bit, I suppose. I'll keep this simple though.
First, most of the things you are going to do with your drill
won't throw a lot of dust around, so that isn't too much of a
concern here. However, you may run the drill for prolonged
periods, and may be drilling into hard stone. That means a
good quality drill is probably in order. A cordless drill --
while very useful around the house -- is not going to be useful
for stone carving. Get a good, powerful, corded drill. Unless
you plan on working on super huge pieces, a standard 3/8 inch
chuck is just fine.
What will you actually do with your drill? Drill holes,
obviously. The most common case is drilling holes for
mounting pins and attaching sculptures to bases. However,
there are other cases where you will drill one or more holes
into a piece for other reasons. Sometimes they may be guides
for other tools; sometimes they may actually be used to remove
-- or nearly remove -- stone. (Imagine drilling a series of
holes all the way through a stone, close together, in a
circular pattern. When you are done the middle section is
going to be very easy to remove with a hammer and some fine
chisels, right?)
You'll need a selection of masonry drill bits to go with
your drill. I get these from the hardware store as I need them,
since my needs vary. At this point I own over a dozen in
different diameters and lengths. It is a good idea to have
a basic set, though, to drill holes for mounting sculptures.
I start with the smallest drill I can get and work up to the
size of the threaded rod I am using to mount the piece.
Another thing I use my drill for is countersinking the hole
in the bottom of the base so the nut and washer I use to
attach the sculpture to the base aren't visible and won't scratch
anything. For this I need some masonry and/or wood bits -- depending
on what material my base is made of -- in sizes all the way up to
1 inch or so. This isn't a perfect way to create a countersink
since the bottom of the countersink itself isn't flat (at least,
not with a masonry bit) , but it's good enough for the work I do.
If you are carving anything harder than marble you're heading
into territory that I know nothing about. Hammer drills and
the corresponding hardened bits may be a good idea for you,
but the rest of us can skip them. A regular drill and standard
masonry bits have worked fine for me so far.
Cutting stone is an interesting process. Generally some sort of
saw is used to cut a slot into the stone, but usually the saw
isn't large enough -- it doesn't have enough depth of cut -- to
cut all the way through the stone. So, the
next step is to insert wedges into the cut and
pound them into the slot evenly. If this is done properly, the
stone breaks cleanly along the original saw cut.
I use chisels as my wedges, though I am sure that specialized
stone splitting wedges are available from someone -- probably
some Italians living near Carrara. That leaves the question of
what is used to cut the initial slot into the stone. There are
at least two choices.
- Circular saw -- this is what I have now. An old, 7.25 inch
circular saw bought long before I ever started carving stone.
Simply install an abrasive masonry blade and off you go.
- Cutoff (chop) saw -- this is what I want but cannot yet find
cheap enough for me to buy it. These are hand held saws
that take large blades -- 12 or 14 inches. Such a saw
gives greater depth of cut and is easier to position than
a circular saw. They are, however, much more expensive.
In either case, the cutting process is not a lot of fun. It
throws a lot of dust, so wear a mask. It can also throw sparks
if you hit an inclusion and chips of rock. You are wearing eye
protection, right? It's loud, so you're wearing ear plugs too...
you get the idea.
Interestingly, cutoff saws can be gas or electrically powered.
A large gas powered cutoff saw can cost well over $1000, so it
is basically a luxury item I have never considered purchasing.
Electrics can be found for less, but I have yet to find one
for enough less to cause me to buy it. (The last one I saw
was about $800.) Diamond blades are available as well. They aren't
needed for alabaster and similar soft stones, but they are
useful for marble.
Flexible shaft tools
These are useful for detail carving. If you've never seen one,
it's a small unit that contains a motor and spins a collet into
which a huge number of grinding, sanding, or polishing
bits, burrs, etc. can be inserted. The best units have a long
(30 inch or so) flexible shaft that connects to the motor base
at one end and to a small hand piece that contains the collet.
The flexible shaft means you don't have to hold the entire motor
while you work, and the hand piece is thin and small, so you can
get it into tiny places.
The big names in flexible shaft tools -- also called moto-tools --
are Foredom and Dremel, but there are many imitators, some of
which may have legitimate claims to being better than the major
brands. You can find models from very cheap to very expensive,
so you'll want to shop around.
There are literally hundreds of different grinding burrs,
cutoff wheels, and other items that can be used with a flexible
shaft tool. Diamond burrs in a variety of shapes are useful for
detailed carving, particularly if you are working realistic
figures and the like. Abrasive burrs in many non-diamond
varieties are also available. Consult the documentation at
the store you're buying from on what they are good for. Structured
carbide burrs are available in small shafts for these tools,
and I like them.
One of the simple things these tools can be used for is to
sign your work. A thin diamond burr can engrave your signature
into just about any stone.
As with many of these power tools, I suggest buying one only
when you decide it might be useful. If you always work large
or abstract with few details you may never need a flexible shaft
General notes on power tool carving
- Stop often and see how you're doing. Power tools all remove
more stone than you are used to if you've only done hand
carving. You need to anticipate that and check often to see
how close you're getting to the final shape.
- Practice practice practice. Some tools take some getting
used to. The only way to handle that is to use them a lot,
just like you had to do with hand chisels.
- Adjust the tools to the task. Be prepared to fiddle. If your
angle grinder is taking off too much material, switch to a
finer grit abrasive disk. Change chisels in your air hammer
to remove more or less stone, etc. Change the angle of attack
with just about anything to change how much material it removes
and where it removes it from.
- Change to hand tools early rather than late. Power tools are
wonderful, and some carvers do all their work with them. I,
however, strongly prefer that the final shape be reached with
hand files, and I prefer a hand polish too. If you use power
tools right down to the last bit of stone you have to remove,
you run the risk of removing too much stone before you realize
what happened. That is much harder to do with a riffler.
- Find tool stores in your area. Make friends there, and at
the major stone carving supply places you order from. Tool
professionals can advise you on care and maintenance, and
even help you to understand how the tool will work more
effectively sometimes. Often the people at specialty tool
stores deal with contractors all day, so you may find yourself
in a long and interesting conversation with someone in a tool
store once they find out what you are doing. It's worth it.
Where to buy the tools mentioned above
- Stone Sculptors Supplies
- Cuturi air hammers
- Chisels for air hammers
- Anti vibration gloves (fingerless only)
- Die grinders, grinding burrs
- The Compleat Sculptor
- Cuturi air hammers
- Trow & Holden air hammers
- Chisels for air hammers
- Anti vibration gloves (fingerless and full finger)
- Pneumatic die grinders, grinding burrs
- Pneumatic polisher
- Metabo and other angle grinders
- Zec wheels
- Diamond blades
- Foredom flexible shaft tool and attachments
- Renaissance Stone -- no mail order service
- Trow & Holden air hammers
- Chisels for air hammers
- Pneumatic die grinders, grinding burrs
- Pneumatic polisher
- Metabo angle grinders
- Zec wheels
- Diamond blades
- Foredom flexible shaft tool and attachments
- Harbor Freight
- Pneumatic die grinders, grinding burrs
- Really cheap angle grinders in various sizes and abrasive disks for masonry
- Electric drills
- Circular saws
- Cheap moto tool and attachments, possibly with flexible shaft
- A good hardware store
- Pneumatic die grinders, grinding burrs
- Angle grinders in various sizes and abrasive disks for masonry
- Electric drills and masonry bits
- Circular saw and abrasive blades
- Mid-priced moto tool and attachments -- usually Dremel brand.
Obviously (at least, I hope it is obvious) there are many places to
buy tools that I have not listed. Specialty tool stores exist in
most big cities that can get you just about anything. Dig around in
your phone book or search the web for the manufacturer you're interested
in. You'll probably find a dealer near you somewhere. Once you buy
something from one or two mail order suppliers you'll start getting
catalogs from all kinds of other places. Scan them all -- you'll be
surprised at how many places sell things you can use.
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