I don't claim to know that everyone listed here is reputable. In
fact, I haven't dealt with all of them personally, and in the case
that I have, you may have a different experience. In other words,
I'm not responsible for whatever happens to you as a result of this
If you represent a company selling carving tools or stone to artists
please contact me and give me whatever information you can so I can
include it here. Listing is free!
Bronze Works https://www.seanmmonaghan.com/bronze-works-foundry/
Santa Cruz, CA
Sean Monaghan runs a full service foundry. He can create molds from your
original art, cast it in bronze or aluminum, and patina it as well.
Colorado Alabaster Supply http://coloradoalabaster.com/
Stone and tools for stone carvers and turners.
Website seems to be gone as of Oct 2021, but still listed by Google as open in Fort Collins, CO.
Enviro Safety Products http://www.envirosafetyproducts.com/
Supplier of safety gear, including glasses, hearing protection, masks, and powered air purifying respirators of various kinds.
GranQuartz http://granquartz.com/
Stone fabrication tools and supplies, including adhesives.
Neolithic Stone http://neolithicstone.com/
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Supplier of stone and stone carving tools. Also some good information on their website,
including links to sculptor's web pages.
Palm Beach Sculpture http://palmbeachsculpture.com/
West Palm Beach, FL
While not specifically a supplier to stone carvers, they do carry bases
and some tools that we would find useful.
Website not working in Oct 2021.
The Compleat Sculptor http://www.sculpt.com/
New York, NY
Supplier of materials needed for sculpture in all media, including stone and tools.
Tiranti http://tiranti.co.uk/
Thatcham, UK
Carries a selection of art and sculpture equipment, specifically including stone carving tools.
Trow and Holden http://trowandholden.com/
Maker of hand and pneumatic tools for all kinds of stone work.
Wood Carvers Supply Inc. http://woodcarverssupply.com/
Mostly wood carving supplies, but they do have some things that can be used on or for stone.
Tadpole Contour Sanding Grips
Rubber devices to let you get sandpaper into interesting places. Used to be sold by Klingspore, but not there anymore as far as I can tell. Now try:
Lee Valley Tools
or google [ tadpole contour sanding grips ] to find another supplier.